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Signal Lights – Are These Auto Body Parts Important?

Signal Lights – Are These Auto Body Parts Important?

Did you know there are certain auto body parts that people just plainly dislike? No, we are not talking about squeaky doors, rusty fenders or anything like this. Actually, we want to focus on something much more substantial – signal lights.

What comes to mind when you hear “signal lights”? People who don’t use them? Your driving instructor, who keeps nagging you about turning the signal on? Whatever the case is, most people are not indifferent when it comes to these parts.

We can say it straight ahead – signal lights are important. Really, there cannot be two opinions here. They show other drivers what your intentions are. Or alternatively, they show you what other drivers want to do. Well, at least when they used them.

And here comes to problem. For a lot of people the signal lights are an optional thing. They don’t even bother using them regularly, which kind of defeats the purpose for everyone else. Yes, in fact, the signal lights are not there for YOUR convenience. Their main idea has nothing to do with you. You turn on the signal, so that OTHERS can see what you want to do. At the surface level it is obvious why people don’t like using them – there’s just no benefit to them, is there? Yes, there is!

Why Signal Lights Should Matter To You

It is easy to think that since you do not see a direct benefit, you should not be expected to use your signal lights. After all, when you turn on the headlights, you can at least see the road. Tangible benefit, right? Well, here are at least 3 counterpoints to the kind of thinking that leads to seeing signal lights as unimportant.

Firstly, let’s indeed say that you do not get any direct benefit from them. However, you get a direct benefit from knowing what other drivers are going to do. And in order to get that, they have to use their signals. Now, if they employ the logic above, they should stop doing it, right? And then what? Your benefit disappears. So in order for you to have the benefit of knowing the intentions of other drivers, you should signal yours as well.

Secondly, I do not even subscribe to the idea that signal lights do not have a direct benefit. Let’s say that you want to switch lanes. How would you do that? You can’t just crash into another car. So obviously, some pros are quite apparent.

Thirdly, if you do not subscribe to the idea that signal lights matter, then tail lights should be useless as well, right? They don’t even light the road up, so what is their goal even? Obviously, they are there to signal that you may want to stop or slow down, as well as point out the rough dimensions of your vehicle. That is crucial in day-to-day interactions.


As you see signal lights are an important part of the vehicle. If yours are broken and show signs of issues, be sure to check them out and replace them if necessary. You can do that from our online store.